About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Italian Journal of Mycology is a peer reviewed journal founded in 1972 by Gilberto Govi and Gabriele Goidanich as “Micologia italiana” (Italian Mycology). It was established at the University of Bologna, and it is organ of the “Unione Micologica Italiana”. Since 2015 it is an open access journal hosted and maintained by AlmaDL.
The journal publishes high quality original research studies on ecology, biology and taxonomy of fungi and false fungi. All mycologists, and plant pathologists working with fungal pathogens are invited to submit original manuscripts in English for sharing their knowledge with colleagues from different areas in the world. Conference reports and book reviews on the above mentioned fields are also welcome.
The journal is cited in the following databases:

Indexing and abstracting

The Journal is indexed in the following databases and search engines:

Peer Review Process

Italian Journal of Mycology is a peer-reviewed open access journal. All publications undergo a blind peer review process.

Review Process

Submitted manuscripts will be assigned to one of the journal editors. As part of the initial quality assessment, each article will undergo plagiarism detection through iThenticate. The editor will promptly assess the manuscript and will decide if it is likely to meet the requirement of providing a major advance in a particular field and describing a sufficient body of work to support that claim; if so, it will be sent out for peer review. The editor then make a decision based on the reviewers’ comments. There are several types of decision possible:

  • Accept the manuscript as submitted
  • Accept it with minor revision
  • Invite the authors to submit a major revision of the manuscript before a final decision is reached
  • Reject, typically because it does not fit the criteria outlined above of originality, importance to the field, cross-discipline interest, or sound methodology

When differences of opinion occur between reviewers, the editor weigh all comments and arrive at a balanced decision based on all comments. To assist in this process, the reviewer should provide the editor with as much information as possible. A review that clearly outlines reasons both for and against publication is therefore of as much, or even more, value as one that makes a direct recommendation.

If reviewers appear to disagree fundamentally, the editor may choose to share all the reviews with each of the reviewers and by this means elicit additional comment that may help the editor to make a decision. The editor then assess the recommendations and comments of the reviewers alongside comments by the authors and material that may not have been made available to those reviewers. Alternatively, the editor could engage a third independent reviewer. The name of the reviewers are hidden from the authors.

When a paper has been revised in response to comments by reviewers or when authors feel their argument has been misconstrued in review, we ask reviewers to offer additional comments on the revised or contested manuscript. We request that reviewers make themselves available to provide such follow-up advice. We are nevertheless aware that reviewers do not wish to be involved in extended discussions over papers, and we keep such consultations to a minimum while still allowing authors a fair hearing.

Publication Frequency

Italian Journal of Mycology is an annual journal. The journal is updated regularly during the year so to offer an up-to-date overview of the research outcomes.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

It releases its articles under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This license allows anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy the contributions. The works must be properly attributed to its author(s). It is not necessary to ask further permissions both to author(s) or journal board, although you are kindly requested to inform the journal for every reuse of the papers.

Authors who publish on this journal maintain the copyrights.

Authors are welcome to post the final draft post-refereeing (postprint) on a personal website, a collaborative wiki, departmental website, social media websites, institutional repository or non-commercial subject-based repositories.

The journal has neither article processing charges nor submission processing fees.

Publication Fees

The journal has neither article processing charges nor submission processing fees.


Italian Journal of Mycology adopts the AlmaDL Journals Code of Ethics.

The code is inspired by the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in particular to the COPE Core Practices and its Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.

All parties involved in the editorial process, editorial staff members, authors, reviewers must know and apply the ethical principles of that document.

Data Policy

When relevant, authors are encouraged to follow Open Science and FAIR principles by publishing the research data associated to their articles in trusted data repositories, according to the international best practices and data management guidelines.

Detailed information is reported in the AlmaDL Journals Data Policy.

Authors who are affiliated to the University of Bologna can publish their data in AMSActa, the institutional research data repository.

Archiving Policy

The University of Bologna has an archival arrangement with the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome within the national project Magazzini Digitali.


Journal History

The Italian Journal of Mycology was founded by prof. Gilberto Govi and by Prof. Gabriele Goidanich in 1972 as “Micologia Italiana” (Italian Mycology). It was established at the University of Bologna, and it is the official organ of the Italian Mycological Society (Unione Micologica Italiana – UMI). Until 2014 it published only in Italian but to increase its circulation it currently publishes in English.

From 1972, it was published by Edagricole S.P.A. and then from 2002 until 2014 by Patron publisher (“Micologia Italiana”, ISSN 0390-0460 (print)). Since 2015, it has been published by the University of Bologna as an open access journal hosted and maintained by ABIS-AlmaDL (“Micologia Italiana”, ISSN 2465-311X (online); from 2016 as “Italian Journal of Mycology” ISSN 2531-7342 (online)).

The first Editor-in-Chief was Prof. Gilberto Govi (University of Bologna) who relinquished this role in 2002 to Dr. Gloria Innocenti (University of Bologna) and Prof. Alessandro Ragazzi (University of Florence). Since 2018 the Editors-in-Chief are Prof. Alessandra Zambonelli (University of Bologna) and Prof. Mirco Iotti (University of L’Aquila).


Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari – DISTAL
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 44
40127 - Bologna (Italy)