On two endangered species (Myriostoma coliforme and Battarrea sp.) sharing the same microhabitat





Red List, conservation, habitat, Cupressus sempervirens, microclimate


Specimens of Myriostoma coliforme and Battarrea sp. were found in the same habitat in a cypress-aligned alleyway in the town of Trevignano Romano in the province of Rome, Italy. Furthermore, other specimens of M. coliforme were found in the Villa Ada Urban Park in the city of Rome. Species attribution by morphological features is difficult in Myriostoma and still under investigation in Battarrea and was therefore also assessed by DNA-based analysis. Specifically, the Battarrea sample was found to not belong to the phalloides/stevenii complex. Although both genera are found widely spread, only small and scattered populations exist because their habitats are quite peculiar and in some terms coinciding. In fact, both species are presently relevant for assessment for the future European Red list of endangered macrofungi. The places of discovery could be useful for the study of the environmental and microclimatic aspects for the conservation of these two rare species


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How to Cite

Ferretti, A., Saar, I., & Knijn, A. (2020). On two endangered species (Myriostoma coliforme and Battarrea sp.) sharing the same microhabitat. Italian Journal of Mycology, 49(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2531-7342/10039


