Aflatoxins exposition in the agrifood industry workers


  • Eva Masciarelli National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work
  • Laura Casorri National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work
  • Marco Di Luigi National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work
  • Barbara Ficociello National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work
  • Angelo Cichelli “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti University
  • Giovanni Pacioni L'Aquila University



mycotoxins, Aspergillus, occupational exposition, hepatocellular carcinoma, Personal Protective Equipment


Aflatoxins are mycotoxins produced by some Aspergillus species. They are remarkably toxic and included among the most known carcinogenic substances. Article 139 of the Italian presidential decree of 30 June 1965, no. 1204 and subsequent amendments, includes hepatocellular carcinoma due to exposure to aflatoxin B1 the list of diseases for which reporting is mandatory. Aflatoxins could contaminate food of plant and animal origin, therefore the areas of work most at risk are the agro-food and, in general, all the activities carried out in humid and poorly ventilated areas, subject to fungal contamination. Although the procedures for controlling aflatoxins in food are now fairly well established, there is still no full knowledge of the risk of workplace exposure. A review of the risks relating to exposure to aflatoxin of workers in the agri-food sector is presented here based on bibliographic data and surveys conducted in some Italian regions by local health authorities and by the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work. To protect the health of workers in the sectors considered, we therefore consider it necessary to evaluate the presence of aflatoxins and inform workers about the application of good prevention practices and the use of adequate personal protective equipment.


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How to Cite

Masciarelli, E., Casorri, L., Di Luigi, M., Ficociello, B., Cichelli, A., & Pacioni, G. (2020). Aflatoxins exposition in the agrifood industry workers. Italian Journal of Mycology, 49(1), 54–84.


