Rare findings from the chestnut forest of Monte Rocca Romana (Latium, Italy)
Hydnum ibericum, Hydnum ovoideisporum, Entoloma, Cyanula, Ramariopsis pulchella, chestnut forest, Natural ParksAbstract
We report the identification of both Hydnum ibericum and H. ovoideisporum growing in late autumn, in the woods of Monte Rocca Romana, the highest peak (612 m) of Monti Sabatini, inside the Bracciano-Martignano Regional Natural Park in Latium, Italy. The Park includes large composite zones: the relatively humid climate and the fertile volcanic soils allow the growth of a manifold flora related to the Mediterranean scrub, to the deciduous (Quercus spp.) or chestnut (Castanea sativa) and depressed beech woods. The fungal findings were observed in an area of the Park characterised by a forest composed in prevalence of chestnut trees and underwood of Ilex aquifolium and Ruscus aculeatus. In the same habitat and period, two small fungal species were present: blue coloured Entoloma sp. and Ramariopsis pulchella. The Entoloma sp. belongs to the Cyanula subgenus but combined morphological and molecular criteria did not correspond to any described Entoloma species yet. Ramariopis pulchella is a rare and ecologically important species.
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