A new species of Agaricus (section Sanguinolenti) from Rome, Italy





Pseudochitonia, single-nucleotide variants, urban park, Villa Borghese


We report the finding of an Agaricus specimen in the section Sanguinolenti and describe it as a new species Agaricus hortusdamarum. Based on ITS data, the species is distinct and well separated from all known sequenced species within this section. The type specimen grew in late autumn, under Cupressus sempervirens, near a Pinus pinea alley in the Villa Borghese Gardens in Rome, in Italy. The new species is phylogenetically close to Agaricus iranicus, a rare species of temperate climate, which is so far described only in the Guilan province in Iran. Its morphological characters and phylogenetic pattern are described and divergence from A. iranicus is discussed.


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2022-02-21 — Updated on 2024-01-22


How to Cite

Ferretti, A., Saar, I., & Knijn, A. (2024). A new species of Agaricus (section Sanguinolenti) from Rome, Italy. Italian Journal of Mycology, 51(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2531-7342/13464 (Original work published February 21, 2022)


