The phylogenetic analysis of Armenian collections of medicinal tinder polypore Fomes fomentarius (Agaricomycetes, Polyporaceae)
Armenia, cryptic, Fomes inzengae, Fomes fomentarius sensu stricto, ITS barcoding, polypore, sympatricAbstract
The medicinal tinder polypore Fomes fomentarius is widely distributed in all floristic regions of Armenia on different woody substrates. The phylogenetic analysis of Armenian collections using ITS barcoding revealed that it is taxonomically complex species represented by sublineages A2 and B2 (in ratio 1:1) of European phylogenetic lineages A and B, which correspond to two cryptic sympatric species F. fomentarius sensu stricto and F. inzengae, respectively. These species are phylogenetically almost equidistant from Fomes fasciatus by the level of nucleotide divergence (6.75% and 7.17%, respectively). Nucleotide divergence between these two species is 1.85% which does not exceed the average level of intraspecific ITS variability in basidiomycetes fungi (3.33%). It is suggesting that F. fomentarius s.s. and F. inzengae are possibly not taxonomically separate species, but sympatric cryptic subspecies of F. fomentarius sensu lato. Both taxa significantly differ by their ecology and distribution: F. fomentarius s.s. is mainly found on Betula spp. trees and widespread in temperate forests, while F. inzengae has been recorded on Carpinus sp., Fagus sp., Populus sp. and other deciduous trees in subtropical latitudes. In Armenia, F. fomentarius s.s. was found on Fagus sp. and Quercus sp., while F. inzengae - on Carpinus sp., Juglans sp., Fagus sp., Populus sp., and Salix sp. trees. Although the species rank of Mediterranean subtropical species F. inzengae remains disputable it has been originally described for the mycobiota of Armenia.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Susanna Badalyan, Elena Zhuykova, Victor Mukhin

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