Pharmacological and therapeutic value of bamboo mushroom Phallus indusiatus (Agaricomycetes)
Phallus indusiatus, Dictyophora indusiata, mushroom, fungi, bioactive compounds, polysaccharidesAbstract
Various wild mushrooms have been appreciated as a source of food and medicines from centuries. Although wild mushrooms were formerly utilised on a modest scale, people now favour mushrooms as a source of nutritious or healthy food. Pharmaceutical scientists have discovered many therapeutic ingredients from these mushrooms. Since few decades researchers have confirmed the therapeutic implications of such mushrooms and similar under-utilized food. Phallus indusiatus Vent. is one of such mushrooms which well accepted by researchers as a source of bioactive compounds. It is synonymously known as Dictyophora indusiata (Vent.) Desv. It is also possible to evaluate the therapeutic roles of different bioactive compounds extracted from P. indusiatus. Most of them have great healthy benefits such as antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, immunomodulatory, organoprotective and anticancer effects. Due to the outstanding healthy benefits and therapeutic value various molecules from P. indusiatus have been studied in recent years.
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