The research culture collection of Italian wood decay fungi: a tool for different studies and applications
Culture collection, fungal strain, wood-decay fungi, biodiversity, conservation ex situAbstract
A section of 512 strains from 106 species of wood decay fungi (WDF) collected in Italy is included within MicUNIPV, the reseach culture collection of University of Pavia (Italy). The number of detained strains has been continuously updated since 2010, when this core collection started. The strains are representative of the remarkable variety in habitat, climate and land use in Italy, including 59 different plant hosts, either living or dead, as well as different degradation stages and modes. Polyporales, Hymenochaetales and Corticiales are the main wood-decay orders included in this core collection. Few examples of rare or strictly localized species in Italy are Ganoderma pfeifferi, G. valesiacum, Hericium flagellum, Perenniporia meridionalis and Punctularia strigosozonata. Besides these ones, Laricifomes officinalis especially rises conservation issues. The wide taxonomic and ecological spectrum provides with a variety of subjects for different studies in both systematics and applied mycology, as well as for exchanges with other mycologists and private partners in research projects.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Carolina Elena Girometta, Simone Buratti, Annarosa Bernicchia, Anthea Desiderio, Lorenzo Goppa, Claudia Perini, Elena Salerni, Elena Savino

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.