First record of Phlebia tremelloidea (Bres.) Parmasto in Italy
Phlebia lindtneri sensu lato, deadwood, corticioid fungi, Bosco Siro Negri, morphological identification, molecular barcode, rarityAbstract
Phlebia tremelloidea is a rare, poorly known boreonemoral species producing resupinate basidiomata on fallen trunks. This species has been proposed to be synonymous with Pseudophlebia lindtneri (Pilát) C.L. Zhao, despite the long-standing nomenclatural history conflicts with the priority of Giacomo Bresadola (1920). Phlebia tremelloidea has been reported from several European Countries, but its distribution range appears shifted towards North-East Europe with very scattered or no records elsewhere. A specimen of P. tremelloidea was found in May 2023 (re-surveyed in 2024) in the State Strict Natural Reserve Bosco Siro Negri along the Ticino River. It represents the unique record in Italy (Pavia province) even including possible synonyms. The available exsiccata have been conserved in the University of Pavia and in Annarosa Bernicchia’s private herbarium. Molecular barcode (ITS region) performed on the dried basidioma confirmed the macro- and micromorphological identification; besides, sequences from LSU, SSU and two sub-regions in RPB2 have been deposited as well in GenBank for the first time. This study increases the knowledge about distribution and ecology of P. tremelloidea and provides new molecular data in support of the taxonomic debate on this species and its relatives.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Carolina Elena Girometta, Annarosa Bernicchia, Anthea Desiderio, Elena Savino

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.